Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 4
Concluding Remarks
After assessing all of the core legal aspects of the Desertec Concept, there is no
doubt that the project can be implemented. This thesis serves as a guideline to avoid
difficulties closely connected to the start of the project which may arise. Depending
on which country hosts the Desertec Concept or parts of it, other questions of
domestic law and its application will come up. If an investor or any other investor
chooses to build a decentralized network in different MENA states, several domes-
tic laws and their pitfalls will come into play. This will automatically lead to an
even more complex contractual setup.
Nevertheless, recent events like the nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima (Japan)
illustrate the dangers of nuclear energy. Furthermore, the ongoing climate change,
which is closely connected to CO 2 emissions, illustrates that other forms of
conventional energy are not a realistic option for the future. One of the few positive
effects of this tragic event is that it has forced the world to start to focus more on
alternative energies. Thus, it is necessary to explore alternatives such as the
Desertec Concept in greater depth. Only this way can a dream become reality.
The next sections will summarize the main theses of this thesis.
4.1 Only Certain Actors Come into Consideration
as Contractual Partners
After analyzing the different actors involved in the implementation of the Desertec
Concept, there can be no doubt that only a few fulfill the prerequisites of a
contractual partner. There were several exclusion criteria, e.g. the legal incompe-
tence to act, distrust by third parties and political instability. Although a lot of
people would like to see the EU take a leading role in this project, this is unrealistic
at the moment, as there is no legal basis for the EU to be an active actor within the
Desertec Concept. It is only possible for the EU to take on a supporting role.
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