Environmental Engineering Reference
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tribunal did not apply the Salini test as it categorized the investment as a
564 —a concept introduced during the draft of the Execu-
recognizable investment
Report. 565 However, another tribunal incidentally applied the Salini
test on the PSEG case to assess its own case. The total investment sum of 804.8
million USD satisfies the criterion of contribution. 566 Concerning risk, the tribunal
concluded that despite an adjustment article in the concession contract, the investor
bears the risk that the request of adjustment is denied by the state. 567 It also
approved the requirement duration, as the project was planned for 38 years. 568
Concerning the element of contribution to the economic development of the host
state, it briefly stated that the construction of a power plant is sufficient. 569
tive Directors
' The Literature
s Opinion
Without a doubt, the definition of contribution to the economic development is of
high relevance as it can be the deciding factor of the Salini test. 570 Nevertheless,
some authors oppose this criterion. 571 The criterion is a purpose of the investment
and not a prerequisite, and the ICSID Convention
s Preamble does not offer a
different interpretation. 572 In addition, it is impossible to illustrate how the invest-
ment actually contributes to the local economy. 573 By definition,
the economic
transaction constituting an investment (
) contribute(s) to the economic develop-
574 The Salini test disregards the fact that a contribution to the development
of the host state can happen years later. 575 There are several problems connected to
contribution to the economic development. Taking the wording of ICSID tribunal
decision into account, by implication this means that all forms of development,
except economic development, are excluded to define investment. 576 The proposal
that a tribunal should ignore every political and cultural benefit is quite problematic
because it the ICSID tribunal to predict future economic developments. 577 Further-
more, ICSID tribunals do not seem to consider tax payments as a contribution to the
564 ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award, 40-41 para 119.
565 ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award, 40-41 para 119.
566 ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award, 41 para 120a).
567 ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award, 41-42 para 120b).
ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award, 42 para 120c).
ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award, 42 para 120d).
Hamida ( 2007 ), 287 (295).
Grubenmann ( 2010 ), 123.
572 Krishan ( 2009 ), 1 (15); With further references, in: Grubenmann ( 2010 ), 123.
573 Krishan ( 2009 ), 1 (15); cf Loncle ( 2006 ), 319 (328).
574 Krishan ( 2009 ), 1 (15).
575 Krishan ( 2009 ), 1 (21).
576 Hamida ( 2007 ), 287 (296).
577 Johannsen ( 2009 ), 5 (20).
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