Environmental Engineering Reference
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application of a certain arbitration process does not guarantee the non-applicability
of the Salini test. Thus it would be best, if the Desertec Concept would meet all the
above mentioned requirements, to reduce the risk of unwanted outcome.
3.7.1 Significant Contribution
Most tribunals agree on the necessity of assessing contribution. 477 Right at the
beginning of this requirement, there is the question of whether the contribution
must be significant or not. Some tribunals highlight that this is not important, 478
while others claim that “significant” is a vital part of the contribution require-
ment, 479 and some did not even mention anything concerning this fact. 480 Even in
cases where ICSID tribunals denied the application of the Salini test, some judges
dissented and specifically demanded a significant contribution to the local econ-
omy. 481 Nevertheless, no tribunal defines or indicates what the term significant
means; they just consider it to be a given fact.
The Salini tribunal did not require a significant contribution as they only
assessed a contribution. 482 Within the Salini case, the tribunal mentioned that the
s contribution encompassed know-how, provision of the necessary equip-
ment, and qualified personnel (including a secured payment of the workers). 483 The
contribution can be in terms of know-how, equipment and personnel, and in
477 ICSID [2012] ARB/09/2—Award, 60 para 297; ICSID [2010] ARB/07/20—Award, 35-36
para 110; ICSID [2010] ARB/08/20, 28-29 para 80.
478 ICSID [2009] ARB/05/10—Annulment, 35-36 paras 80-82; Did not mention significance in
their decision, in: ICSID [2001] ARB/00/4, 609 (623) para 57.
479 Talking about a substantial contribution, in: ICSID [2013] ARB/08/9—Decision on Jurisdic-
tion and Admissibility, 163 para 483; ICSID [2008] ARB/05/22—Award, 85 para 310; Significant
period of time, in: ICSID [2008] ARB/05/20, 37-38 para 125; ICSID [2007] ARB/05/10—Award,
47 para 138; Substantial work as investment, in: ICSID [2006] ARB/04/13, 29 para 92; ICSID
[2005] ARB/03/29, 37 para 137; ICSID [2004] ARB/03/11—Award, 13-14 paras 57-58; Signif-
icant period of time, in: ICSID [2001] ARB/00/5, 39 para 101; ICSID [1997] ARB/96/3, 1378
(1387) para 43.
Not mentioning it as requirement, but later refer to a ' substantial contribution ' and to a
' substantial economic value ' , in: ICSID [2012] ARB/09/2—Award, 60-61 paras 297-300; cf
ICSID ARB/98/2—Award, 77 para 233; ICSID [2007] ARB/05/18, 32 paras 116-117; ICSID
[2006] ARB/05/3, 17-19 para 73; ICSID [2005] ARB/02/17, 29 para 88; ICSID [2005] ARB/03/
08—Award, 21-22 paras 13-14; ICSID [2001] ARB/00/6, 29-30 para 60; ICSID [1999] ARB/97/
4, 251 (282-283) para 90.
481 ICSID [2009] ARB/05/10—Annulment—Dissenting Opinion (Shahabuddeen), 38 (38) para
2 and (48-50) paras 33-39.
482 ICSID [2001] ARB/00/4, 609 (622) paras 52 and 53.
483 ICSID [2001] ARB/00/4, 609 (622) para 53.
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