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restrictively as well, but highlighted that the application of the umbrella clause
depends on the terms of the respective BIT and its interpretation. 225
The idea that ICSID tribunals can deal with contract claims as well for a better
harmonization of
is also called the
integrationist approach. 226 Therefore, some tribunals accepted the extension of
jurisdiction according to application of the umbrella clause. 227 Hence, the invest-
ment contract between the investor and the state is within the scope of the BIT. 228 If
the BIT does not cover non-BIT related
) overlapping norms and procedures (
of an umbrella clause,
some view this as an ' internationalization ' of contract claims. 229 However, an
umbrella clause does not transfer the question of contracts into the question of
treaty law, which means the contract is examined according to the applicable law
concluded in the contract by the ICSID tribunal. 230 It is essential to judge each
umbrella clause individually and hence there is an obligation to interpret each
umbrella clause. 231 In recent years, more ICSID tribunals have allowed the appli-
cation of an umbrella clause to put contract claims on the same level as treaty
claims. 232
legal positions
' Application of the Umbrella Clause and Its Implications
The application of the umbrella clause can be quite difficult as ICSID tribunals also
differ in definition and setup of an umbrella clause application. In most cases, the
umbrella clause comes into play if the dispute is in front of the national courts of the
host state. 233
In these cases, the investor often tries to justify ICSID tribunal
jurisdiction because of application of the umbrella clause. 234
225 Reviewing the BIT and interpretation of respective regulations, in: ICSID [2009] ARB/07/9,
55-56 paras 141-142; ICSID [2004] ARB/02/13, 42 paras 127-128.
226 Shany ( 2005 ), 835 (844).
227 ICSID [2007] ARB/02/8—Award, 59-60 paras 204-206; ICSID [2007] ARB/01/3—Award,
87 para 274; ICSID [2005] ARB/01/11—Award, 66 paras 60-62; ICSID [2004] ARB/02/6, 43-49
paras 113-129; To a limited extend, in: ICSID [2002] ARB/97/3—Annulment, 89 (128) para 96;
Peterson ( 2010 ) In parallel decisions, tribunals diverge on admissibility of umbrella clause claims,
1 (3); Ad Hoc Arbitration under the Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the
Republic of Poland on Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investment [2005] Partial
Award, 85 para 260; In general supporting umbrella clauses, in: Hunter ( 2007 ), 165 (168).
ICSID [2004] ARB/02/6, 45 para 119.
Griebel ( 2008 ), 85; cf Walter ( 2006 ), 815 (816).
ICSID [2004] ARB/02/6, 48 para 126.
ICSID [2005] ARB/01/11—Award, 61 para 50; Ad Hoc Arbitration under the Agreement
between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Poland on Encouragement and
Reciprocal Protection of Investment [2005] Partial Award, 78-79 para 247.
232 Fiebiger ( 2010 ), 269 (270).
233 Walter ( 2006 ), 815 (821).
234 Walter ( 2006 ), 815 (821).
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