Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information The Meaning of the Shari
Theword Islamderives from the word salaam (meaning peace) andmeans submission
to God, whereby
537 According to
the Islam, God is the sole source of authority and thus the sovereign lawgiver. 538
Hence, the Shari
(t)he Shari
a is the path to achieve this submission.
a is divine and eternal, 539 and often the source of legislation. 540 For
most Muslims, the Qur
541 The
an is
) the actual verbatim revelation sent by God.
an deals with legal issues only in 350 out of 6616 verses and thus “only” lays
down guidelines and general principles for the realization of a civilized society. 542
Most Islamic legal scholars view the Qur
a. 543
an as the primary source of the Shari
Furthermore, there is the sunnah , which encompasses
) behaviors, decisions,
actions, tacit approvals and disapprovals of the Prophet (
) (, which were) heard,
witnessed, memorized, recorded, and transmitted from generation to generation
544 Many Islamic scholars view the sunnah as the second legal source of the
a is explained by different schools of thought. 546
Furthermore, three important legal tools are qiyas (the reasoning by analogy in
cases of new legal problems), ijtihad (establishing rules in relation to the principles
of Islam), and ijma (consensus by a community concerning the acceptance of qiyas
and ijtihad . 547 Based on ijtihad , Muslim jurists cannot create new law as God
created all rules. 548 If arbitrational tribunals were allowed to include principles as
the ijtihad , some claim that a lot of enforcement obstacles would be avoided. 549 It is
important to realize that customs cannot change rules of the Shari
a. 545 The Shari
a, 550 but the
a views customs as binding. 551 The Shari
a is often used as a back-up to fill
judicial loopholes. 552 It is also problematic that the Shari
a deals with legal issues
case-by-case, instead of establishing general rules. 553 It would be wrong to think
that there are no similarities between Western laws and the Shari
537 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (578).
538 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (578) and (580).
539 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (578).
540 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (94).
541 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (583).
542 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (584).
543 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (99); Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (584).
Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (585).
Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (585).
Darwazeh and El-Kosheri ( 2008 ), 203 (204), Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (581-582).
Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (586-588).
548 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (105).
549 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (93) and (103-104).
550 Kutty ( 2006 ), 565 (589).
551 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (109).
552 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (98).
553 Ayad ( 2009 ), 93 (111).
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