Environmental Engineering Reference
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that the claim does or does not exist. 278 In a Separate Opinion, Judge Higgins
emphasized the need to examine whether a dispute exists based on the claimant
allegation in order to find out if ICJ jurisdiction is plausible. 279
ICSID tribunals have a chance to check its jurisdiction as the tribunal has the
possibility at the
However, the claimant must provide some evidence for ICSID jurisdiction. 281 This
evidence must usually prove that the alleged claim is within the ICSID
very beginning to look behind the claimant
s factual claims.
s jurisdic-
tion. 282 If an investor bases its claim merely on the breach of the investment
contract and not the BIT, the dispute settlement provisions of the BIT will not
apply. 283 The investor must base its claim on the breach of BIT regulations to gain
BIT dispute settlement options. 284 Some authors highlight that the investor should
always try to formulate contract claims as treaty claims. 285 Art. 11(1) and (2) of the
G/M-BIT stipulates that a disagreement concerning the investment is sufficient for
dispute settlement. 286 Furthermore, Art. 11(2) of the G/M-BIT stipulates that ICSID
jurisdiction is applicable for any investment dispute.
' Waivers and Different Dispute Settlement Agreements
There are two common problems related to the issue of ICSID jurisdiction. The first
one deals with the issue of explicit waivers. The investor might explicitly waive its
right to ICSID jurisdiction, e.g. in a concession contract. 287 This can lead to denial
of ICSID jurisdiction. 288
It is within the interest of many governments that the
278 ICJ [1996] Oil Platforms, Preliminary Objection—Judgment [1996], 803 (809-810) para 16; cf
ICJ [1999] Legality of Use of Force, Provisional Measures (Order of 2 June 1999) [1999] ICJ
Reports, 481 (490) para 25.
279 ICJ [1996] Oil Platforms, Separate Opinion of Judge Higgins [1996], 847 (856) para 32.
280 ICSID [2003] ARB/01/13, 307 (351-352) para 145.
281 ICSID [2007] ARB/05/07, 24 para 83; ICSID [2006] ARB/04/13, 22-23 paras 69-71; ICSID
[2005] ARB/03/29, 52 para 195; ICSID [2003] ARB/01/13, 307 (351-352) para 145; ICSID
[1999] ARB/98/4 (2002), 881 (891).
282 ICSID [2007] ARB/05/07, 24-25 paras 85-86; ICSID [2006] ARB/03/15, 15 paras 42-44; cf
ICSID [2004] ARB/02/8—Decision, 73-74 para 180.
Loncle ( 2005 ), 3 (9).
Loncle ( 2005 ), 3 (9).
Rosenberg ( 2010 ), 8 (11).
Article 11(1) G/M-BIT: Meinungsverschiedenheiten in Bezug auf Kapitalanlagen zwischen
einem der Vertragsstaaten und einem Investor des anderen Vertragsstaates sollen, soweit moglich,
zwischen den Streitparteien g¨ tlich beigelegt werden.
Article 11(2) G/M-BIT: Kann die Meinungsverschiedenheit (
) nicht beigelegt werden, so
wird sie auf Verlangen des Investors des anderen Vertragsstaats einem Schiedsverfahren
287 ICSID [2008] ARB/06/13—Award, 45 paras 69-70.
288 ICSID [2008] ARB/06/13—Award, 54 paras 96-97.
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