Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Applications of DNA Microarray
Technology in Cancer Research
Seven years ago, the sequencing of the human genome was completed
(Lander et al ., 2001; Venter et al ., 2001), and many discussions and com-
ments about the value of this information have been initiated since then.
However, it is obvious that DNA microarray technology would not be
possible without knowing the genome sequences of humans, mice, and
other species as well. This technology has been widely used in basic and
clinical studies of virtually all major human diseases, especially in cancer
research. There are many good examples for studying gene expression in
cancers, and here we only discuss some representative studies to show the
applications of DNA microarray technology in cancer research.
2.1. Solid Tumors
A DNA microarray study from Pantel's group showed molecular signature
associated with bone marrow micrometastasis in human breast cancer
(Woelfle et al ., 2003). In this study, gene expression profiles in metasta-
sized breast tumor cells in bone marrow were compared with those in
primary tumor cells, and expression analysis showed distinct profiles
between these two groups of cells. The differentially expressed genes are
related to extracellular matrix remodeling, adhesion, cytoskeleton plastic-
ity, and signal transduction (in particular, the Ras and hypoxia-inducible
factor 1
pathways). The array data were confirmed by RT-PCR, which is
consistent with immunohistochemical analysis of breast tumor tissues.
The findings from this study indicate that metastasized breast tumor cells
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