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kalasa decorative“nectarpots”,derivedfromIndianarchitectureandsometimesfoundadorningthecornersofstupa
kalpa the current world cycle in Buddhist cosmology
karaweik mythical bird; also known as the karavika
kirthimukha mythical ogre-like creature
KNLA Karen National Liberation Army
Konagamana the second of the five Buddhas of the present world cycle
kyaik Mon temple
kyaung monastery
kyi/gyi suffix, meaning “big”
kyun island
Lokanat Burmese name for Avalokitesvara
longyi sarong-like garment worn by the majority of Burmese
Mahayana thelaterandmoreeclectic ofthetwomainschoolsofBuddhism,centredonthecultoftheBoddhisattva
Maitreya the future Buddha Maitreya is predicted to be the fifth and last of the five Buddhas of the current world
mi-gyaung/kyam traditional crocodile-shaped, three-string Burmese zither
mudras a series of canonical poses used in most visual representations of the Buddha
myo town
naga mythical serpent-like creature with divine powers (although can also refer to the Naga people living in north-
west Myanmar)
namaskara mudra traditional Buddhist mudra showing the Buddha or other figure in the act of praying
nat Burmese spirits
nat kadaw nat spirit medium
nat pwè nat festival
ngwe silver
nibbana nirvana
nikaya monastic order
NLD National League for Democracy
paccaya terrace at base of stupa
pagoda temple
pahto temple (used mainly in Bagan in reference to “hollow” temples)
Pali extinct Indian language in which most of Buddhism's oldest scriptures were first recorded - the Buddhist equi-
valent to Hebrew in Christianity or Sanskrit in Hinduism
palm leaf used as an alternative to paper thanks to its greater durability in the tropics, with dried leaves bound to-
gether into long, narrow books
parinirvana mudra traditional mudra showing the reclining Buddha at the moment of entering nirvana
paya temple (literally, the Burmese word for “pagoda”)
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