Travel Reference
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the $35 ones are far nicer than the standards, but all have a/c, flatscreen TV s and a minibar.
They also rent out bicycles (K3000/day) and motorbikes (K10,000/day). $30
The small, village-like town of MINGUN is, for many visitors, the most appealing of the
many attractions surrounding Mandalay. By making a trip here, you'll get historical attrac-
tions, a look at village life and a delightful ferry ride, all rolled up into one ball. The place
the gigantic MingunPagoda here. All that was completed by the time of his death, 29 years
later, was the bottom portion - an imposing cube of bricks on top of a huge terrace, its bulk
clearly visible from across the river in Mandalay. There are a few other modest sights around
- you may well have no other option than to do so, since the schedule of the ferries linking
Mingun to Mandalay more or less obliges you to while away a couple of hours here. Merci-
fully, there are a few little places to eat and drink .
Mingun Pagoda
Currently off limits • In theory, part of Sagaing-Mingun combination ticket
Quite possibly the world's largest pile of bricks, it's hard to imagine how majestic a sight
Mingun Pagoda would have been if finished - using thousands of prisoners of war and
matic by the jagged, lightning-like fissures created when earthquakes hit in 1819 and 2012.
The latter 'quake saw the pathway heading up to the pagoda closed to visitors; it's unlikely
to reopen any time soon, though keep your fingers crossed.
On your way up to the pagoda from the river, you'll pass a pair of chinthe - half lion and
entirely ruined, it's still possible to get a vague idea of their shape, especially from the road-
Settaya Paya
Daily 24hr • Free
Just south of Mingun Pagoda, the smaller SettayaPaya is a decidedly ugly structure, though
useful if you fancy leaving Buddha some shoes as an offering - inside the small hall you'll
see what locals claim to be Buddha's footprint , a metre-long indentation with shells on the
toes and a flower on the heel.
Pondaw Pagoda
Daily 24hr • Free
Pagoda sits nearby - it's located just south of Settaya Paya. Pondaw Pagoda is certainly
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