Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
1 Shwezigon Pagoda, Bagan One of the oldest, grandest and more revered of all Bagan's
temples, still busy with worshippers after almost a thousand years.
2 Ananda Paya, Bagan A massive mountain of stone, embellished with terraces, stairways
and stupas, and topped with a soaring spire.
3 Sunset over Bagan Climb to the top of one of Bagan's ancient monuments and watch the
sun set over the innumerable temples dotting the plains below.
4 Sulamani Paya, Bagan A fiery red-brick jewel of a temple - perhaps the most perfect of
all Bagan's myriad monuments.
5 TaungKalat(MountPopa) A colourful cluster of shrines and temples, perched dramatic-
ally on top of an ancient volcanic outcrop and celebrating the weird and wonderful world of
the Burmese nat spirits.
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