Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
19. Reserves and conversion data from BP, Statistical review of World Energy
2013, 2013.
20. International Energy Agency, Golden Rules for a Golden Age of Gas, 2012.
21. BBC, Campaigners' Anger over Agency's Shale Gas Report, 2012; http://
www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-18236535 (last accessed 12/
22. United Nations, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, 1992.
23. I. J. Andrews, The Carboniferous Bowland Shale Gas Study: Geology and
Resource Estimation, British Geological Survey for Department of Energy
& Climate Change, London, UK, 2013.
24. Committee on Climate Change, The Need for a Carbon Intensity Target in
the Power Sector, 2012.
25. P. Stevens, Why Shale Gas Won't Conquer Britain, 2014; http://mobile.
html (last accessed 17/01/2014).
26. J. Broderick, K. Anderson, R. Wood, P. Gilbert, M. Sharmina, A. Footitt,
S. Glynn and F. Nicholls, Shale Gas: An Updated Assessment of Environ-
mental and Climate Change Impacts, A report commissioned by The Co-
operative and undertaken by researchers at the Tyndall Centre, Uni-
versity of Manchester, 2011.
27. EurActiv, Shale Gas Strategy 'Not the Optimum Path': Fatih Birol, 2012;
513043 (last accessed 01/12/2013).
28. J. Broderick and K. Anderson, Has US Shale Gas Reduced CO 2 Emissions?,
Tyndall Centre, Manchester, 2012.
29. DECC, Digest of UK Energy Statistics, 2013.
30. Carbon Tracker Initiative, Unburnable Carbon 2013: Wasted Capital and
Stranded Assets, 2013.
31. Chartered Institute of Water & Environmental Management, Shale Gas
and Water, 2014.
32. Water UK, Briefing Paper - Impacts of the Exploration for and Extraction of
Shale Gas on Water and Waste Water Service Providers, 2013.
33. C. G. Groat and T. W. Grimshaw, Fact-Based Regulation for Environmental
Protection in Shale Gas Development, University of Texas at Austin, 2012.
34. Real Clear Energy, Gasland II and Anti-Energy Extremists, 2013; http://
energy_extremists.html (last accessed 15/01/2014).
35. US Environmental Protection Agency, Draft Report - Investigation of
Ground Water Contamination near Pavillion, Wyoming, 2011.
36. ProPublica, EPA's Abandoned Wyoming Fracking Study One Retreat of
Many, 2013; http://www.propublica.org/article/epas-abandoned-wyoming-
fracking-study-one-retreat-of-many accessed 01/11/2013).
37. Bloomberg, Drillers Silence Fracking Claims with Sealed Settlements, 2013;
claims-with-sealed-settlements.html (last accessed 01/11/2013).
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