Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
20. T. Daintith, Finders Keepers? How the Law of Capture Shaped the World Oil
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21. Ashurst, Mining in Australia - an introduction for investors, http://www.
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22. T. Taggart, The Free Entry Mineral Allocation System in Canada's North:
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23. Standing Council on Energy and Resources, The National Harmonised
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24. W. Carlisle, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Coal Seam Gas: By the
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25. ACIL Tasman, Economic Significance of Coal Seam Gas in Queensland,
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27. J. Williams, A. Milligan and T. Stubbs, Coal Seam Gas Production: Chal-
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29. University of Technology, Sydney, Drilling Down: Coal Seam Gas, A
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30. G. Batley and R. Kookana, Environmental issues associated with coal
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31. D. Healy, Hydraulic Fracturing or 'Fracking': A Short Summary of Current
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32. A. Randall, Coal seam gas - toward a risk management framework for a
novel intervention, Environ. Plan. Law J., 2012, 29(2), 152.
33. National Water Commission, Coal Seam Gas Update - June 2012, Na-
tional Water Commission, Canberra, 2012; http://nwc.gov.au/nwi/
position-statements/coal-seam-gas (last accessed 24/06/2014).
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