Travel Reference
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Within 48 hours, the Khmer Rouge informed the French vice-consul that the new govern-
ment did not recognise diplomatic privileges and that if all the Cambodians in the com-
pound were not handed over, the lives of the foreigners inside would also be forfeited.
Cambodian women married to foreigners could stay; Cambodian men married to for-
eign women could not. Foreigners wept as servants, colleagues, friends, lovers and hus-
bands were escorted out of the embassy gates. At the end of the month the foreigners were
expelled from Cambodia by truck. Many of the Cambodians were never seen again. Today
a high whitewashed wall surrounds the massive complex and the French have returned to
Cambodia in a big way, promoting French language and culture in their former colony.
Prayuvong Buddha Factories
(btwn St 308 & St 310) In order to replace the countless Buddhas and ritual objects
smashed by the Khmer Rouge, a whole neighbourhood of private workshops making ce-
ment Buddhas, naga and small stupas has grown up on the grounds of Wat Prayuvong.
While the graceless cement figures painted in gaudy colours are hardly works of art, they
are an effort by the Cambodian people to restore Buddhism to a place of honour in their
culture. The Prayuvong Buddha factories are about 300m south of Independence Monu-
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