Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Availability & Cost of Health Care
Self-diagnosis and treatment of health problems can be risky: always seek professional medical help.
Antibiotics should ideally be administered only under medical supervision. Take only the recommended
dose at the prescribed intervals and use the whole course, even if the illness seems to be cured earlier. Stop
immediately if there are any serious reactions.
The best clinics and hospitals in Cambodia are found in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. A consultation usu-
ally costs in the region of US$20 to US$50, plus medicine. Elsewhere, facilities are more basic, although a
private clinic is usually preferable to a government hospital. For serious injuries or illnesses, seek treatment in
People wearing contact lenses should be aware that Cambodia is an extremely dusty country and this
can cause much irritation when travelling. It is generally bearable in cars, but when travelling by motor-
cycle or pick-up, it is most definitely not. Pack a pair of glasses.
Infectious Diseases
This viral disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. There is only a small risk to travellers, except during epidem-
ics, which usually occur during and just after the wet season.
Unlike the malaria mosquito, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which transmits the dengue virus, is most active
during the day and is found mainly in urban areas.
Signs and symptoms of dengue fever include a sudden onset of high fever, headache, joint and muscle
pains (hence its old name, 'breakbone fever'), plus nausea and vomiting. A rash of small red spots appears
three to four days after the onset of fever.
Seek medical attention if you think you may be infected. A blood test can diagnose infection, but there is
no specific treatment for the disease. Aspirin should be avoided, as it increases the risk of haemorrhaging, but
plenty of rest is advised.
There is no vaccine against dengue fever. The best prevention is to avoid mosquito bites at all times.
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