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The Mekong region is awash in tours that have 'gibbon' in their name but don't involve seeing gib-
bons. Now Cambodia offers a gibbon experience where you actually observe gibbons in their natural
Set up as a community-based ecotourism project (CBET; by Conserva-
tion International (CI; ) , the new project takes place within the Veun Sai-
Siem Pang Conservation Area (VSSPCA), just outside the border of Virachey National Park north
of Veun Sai. You stay at least one night in the jungle sleeping in hammocks or in a community-based
homestay, rising well before dawn to spend time with semihabituated northern buff-cheeked gibbons.
This species was only discovered in 2010 and the population in Veun Sai is believed to be one of
the largest at about 500 groups. Hearing their haunting dawn call echo through the jungle and seeing
them swing through the canopy is memorable. These tours also offer the opportunity to experience
dense jungle, open savannah, rivers and waterfalls, and to visit Kavet and Lao villages.
CI has an exclusive arrangement with the village near the gibbon site to run these tours. The
gibbon-viewing season runs from November to mid-June - it's too wet at other times - and the visits
are limited to six people at a time. The tours cost US$100 to US$200 per person for a one-night/two-
day tour, depending on group size and which tour company you choose. The fee includes entrance to
the VSSPCA, guide, homestays and camps, and all meals. Most companies in Ban Lung can arrange
these trips on behalf of CI. For details contact the CBET.
CBET payments are used as a substitute for destructive forest use so this is a very worthwhile way
to contribute something positive to wildlife conservation and community development.
Ban Lung
075 / POP 30,000
Affectionately known as ' dey krahorm' (red earth) after its rust-coloured affliction, Ban
Lung provides a popular base for a range of Ratanakiri romps.
The town itself is busy and lacks the backwater charm of Sen Monorom in Mondulkiri,
but with attractions such as Boeng Yeak Lom just a short hop away, there is little room for
complaint. Many of the minorities from the surrounding villages come to Ban Lung to buy
and sell at the market.
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