Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The sexual abuse of children by foreign paedophiles is a serious problem in Cambodia. Paedophilia is
a crime in Cambodia and several foreigners have served or are serving jail sentences. There is no such
thing as an isolation unit for sex offenders in Cambodia. Countries such as Australia, France, Ger-
many, the UK and the USA have also introduced much-needed legislation that sees nationals prosec-
uted in their home country for having under-age sex abroad.
This child abuse is slowly but surely being combated, although in a country as poor as Cambodia,
money can tempt people into selling babies for adoption and children for sex. The trafficking of inno-
cent children has many shapes and forms, and the sex trade is just the thin end of the wedge. Poor par-
ents have been known to rent out their children as beggars, labourers or sellers; many child prostitutes
in Cambodia are Vietnamese and have been sold into the business by family back in Vietnam. Once in
the trade, it is difficult to escape a life of violence and abuse. Drugs are also being used to keep chil-
dren dependent on their pimps, with bosses giving out yama (a dirty meta-amphetamine) or heroin to
dull their senses.
Paedophilia is not unique to Western societies and it is a big problem with Asian tourists as well.
The problem is that some of the home governments don't treat it as seriously as some of their Western
counterparts. Even more problematic is the domestic industry of virgin-buying in Cambodia, founded
on the superstition that taking a virgin will enhance one's power. Even if NGOs succeed in putting off
Western paedophiles, confronting local traditions may be a greater challenge.
Visitors can do their bit by keeping an eye out for any suspicious behaviour. Don't ignore it - pass
on any relevant information such as the name and nationality of the individual to the embassy con-
cerned. To report abuse there is a Cambodian hotline ( 023-997919) and ChildSafe ( Click here )
maintains confidential hotlines in Phnom Penh ( 012311112), Siem Reap ( 017358758) and
Sihanoukville ( 012478100) . When booking into a hotel or jumping on transport, look out for the
ChildSafe logo, as each establishment or driver who earns this logo is trained to identify and respond
to child abuse. End Child Prostitution and Trafficking (ECPAT; ) is a global network
aimed at stopping child prostitution, child pornography and the trafficking of children for sexual pur-
poses, and has affiliates in most Western countries.
In the event of a medical emergency it may be necessary to be evacuated to Bangkok.
Ambulance (
119, in English 724891)
Fire (
in Khmer 118)
Police (
Phnom Penh is now well and truly wired, with prices dropping to less than US$0.50 per
hour. Internet cafes are all over the city and you'll find plenty of computer terminals on
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