Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
System maintenance procedures
Do you know the correct procedures for the reporting and fixing of hardware and
software problems? Do you use this correctly? Who would know how long it will
take to fix a broken computer, or install software, as this may have an impact on a
number of your lessons?
The advent of new and emerging technologies
The pedagogy associated with new and emerging technologies may not yet be
developed. As they arrive in schools you will need to become familiar with their
use, be involved in the debates that ensue, and think carefully about whether it is
appropriate to use them and, if it is, how you will plan and organise their use to
enhance learning.
Child, D. (2008) Psychology and the Teacher , 8th edition, London: Continuum, p. 554.
Lang, P. (2004) 'Pastoral Care and the Role of the Tutor', in Brooks, V. (2005) Preparing
to Teach in Secondary Schools, Oxford: Open University Press, pp. 314-323.
Maslow, A. H. (1970) Motivation and Personality , London: Harper and Row.
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