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Task 5.6
Wall display
Design a wall display to define the four elements of Computational Thinking in a
language appropriate for Key Stage Three.
As discussed above, Computational Thinking is not subject-specific. To really
embed the language, it should be used regularly, within a variety of contexts and
in a variety of subject areas. However, it may be unrealistic to expect colleagues
in other subject areas, who have their own vocabularies and content to teach, to
easily integrate the language of Computational Thinking as well. We, therefore,
should try to use examples in our teaching that relate to other subjects, supporting
pupils in seeing how it applies across different areas of the curriculum.
Task 5.7
Computational Thinking across the curriculum
Suggest how you might apply Computational Thinking in different areas of the
curriculum. How could you support colleagues in introducing the concepts of
Computational Thinking into their subject?
Scaffolding learning/incremental learning
As with many concepts and techniques, it is good practice, when introducing
Computational Thinking, to begin with simple practical examples and problems
that pupils can relate to, and then, as they grow in understanding and competence,
to move to more complex problem-solving. The chapter on Simulation ( Chapter 6 )
provides a number of examples of scaffolding/incremental learning.
Algorithms are clear, unambiguous sets of instructions. Computing at Schools
(CAS, 2012a) suggests that pupils at Key Stage One should know the following:
• Algorithms are sets of instructions for achieving goals, made up of pre-
defined steps.
• Algorithms can be represented in simple formats.
• They can describe everyday activities and can be followed by humans and by
• Computers need more precise instructions than humans do.
• Steps can be repeated and some steps can be made up of smaller steps.
At Key Stage Two they suggest pupils need to know that:
• Algorithms can be represented symbolically (flowcharts) or using instructions
in a clearly defined language (turtle graphics).
• Algorithms can include selection (if) and repetition (loops).
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