Environmental Engineering Reference
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residents need to take their embeddedness in their human and nonhuman
surroundings seriously and engage in deliberation and constructive action
to continually rework and maintain their lived conditions.
The most dominant form of environmental activity today, rational poli-
tics, has made great strides in addressing the environmental impacts of
industrialized societies. Its most prominent victories have come through
the control of point sources, but this approach has also resulted in the
bureaucratization of environmental protection. Populist politics serves as a
check on rational approaches and opens up the tensions of nature and hu-
mans to more actors as well as issues of equity, justice, and context-specifi c
problems. Both approaches are necessary but insuffi cient to address the
complex issues of integrating humans and nature in urban contexts be-
cause they both recognize the state as the ultimate arbiter of human/
nature relations, creating a division between humans and nature as well
as government and citizens.
Civic politics, with its embrace of the complexities and nuances of hu-
man/nonhuman relations as well as its emphasis on engaged citizenship as
Table 7.1
A comparison of rational, populist, and civic politics of urban nature
Technocratic gover-
Grassroots organiza-
Deliberative practice
Geographic focus
Federal, state
Site, neighborhood
Site, neighborhood,
city, region
Primary activity
Rule making and
Community awareness
and protest
Democratic delibera-
tion and action
Key actor
Technical expert
Local activist
Engaged citizen
Austin examples
Watershed ordinanc-
es, conservation land
development, SOS
East Austin environ-
mental justice
Country Club Creek
Trail, Envision Cen-
tral Texas
Seattle examples
Natural Drainage
Systems approach
Northgate Mall rede-
velopment controversy
Longfellow Creek
Legacy Trail, Grow-
ing Vine Street, Open
Space Seattle 2100
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