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could be tolerated and the communication through the wire is not compromised.
These working points could be computed measuring the equivalent voltage at
the receiver and checking whether the receiver could still switch its logic state
following the changing logic state of the MUT. In particular, a different SOA
could be drawn for each driver displacement on a given area of interest centered
on the MUT. The electric field generated by the MUT in the two cases of driver
logic state is used to compute the equivalent voltage at the receiver, defined as
V rx 1 and V rx 0 , for the driver logic 1 and 0 respectively. Defining a set of threshold
voltages ( V th ) ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 V, a generic point ( x, y ) of the area could
be considered safe for any threshold voltage ( V th ) that satisfies simultaneously
the two following conditions:
V rx 1 ( x, y ) > |V th |
V rx 0 ( x, y ) < |V th |.
3 Simulation Results and Models
Single Molecule Characterization
The neutral bis-ferrocene molecule in the ground state has the HOMO that is
de-localized along the molecule and mainly centered on the carbazole as shown
in Fig. 22 (A). The application of an electric field along the X axis (switching
field) leads to a localization of the HOMO around one of the two ferrocenes,
as shown in Fig. 22 (B) and (C), depending on the sign of the switching field.
Following the methodology adopted in literature [ 5 - 7 ], the HOMO localization
could represent the logic state of the molecule and for the bis-ferrocene molecule
a write-in system based on electric field seems to work properly [ 20 ].
Fig. 22. Bis-ferrocene molecule: HOMO localization at (A) the equilibrium and (B, C)
in presence of switching field.
As shown in Fig. 23 , applying the switching field the charge distribution inside
the molecule varies and the molecule exhibits a charge localization in favor of one
of the two dots, depending on the sign of the switching field. In particular, with
a positive switching field Dot2 (green curve) becomes more positively charged
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