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Fig. 21. Library Generation principle. To create a particular component the library
generator requires three types of information. The component generated by the library
generator can be used inside ToPoliNano.
The Element Description description of every component represents the cir-
cuit layout. It can be generated automatically by the Place & Route block or
it can be created manually. There are two possibilities to manually describe a
component. With the first possibility the user can draw circuit blocks using a
vector graphic program called Xfig . The circuit drawn with Xfig is exported to
an .svg file and loaded inside ToPoliNano. As a second option the circuit layout
can be described manually writing the code which describes it. As a future work
we should create an in-program editor of circuits. The layout is based on dif-
ferent logic gates defined as library components (e.g. majority voter, cross wire,
wire, and, or).
7 Output Generation
At the end of the simulation, ToPoliNano offers two main ways to represent
- On the main program window displaying the output signal waveforms that
can be saved on an Encapsulated PostScript file (EPS).
- A text file containing the timing samples that the depict the circuit behavior.
An example of output waveforms obtained after the simulation is reported
in Fig. 22 .
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