Environmental Engineering Reference
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K s
S + M
S · M
k m
k w
Region 2
Region 1
Fig. 7 Base-catalyzed hydrolysis in the presence of cationic surfactant. (a) No adjustment of a
counterion concentration. (b) Under the constant concentration of a counterion. S , substrate;
M , micelle; M.S , micelle-substrate complex; P , product; K s , micelle-substrate partition constant;
k w , rate constant in an aqueous phase; k m , rate constant in a micellar phase
N and X are the inert counter ion such as Br and the reactive ion such as H + and
OH , respectively. The subscripts w and m represent the bulk water and micellar
phases. The b -value is known to be in the range of 0.6-0.9. When the fraction of X
in micelles (m x = [X m ] / ([S] - cmc)) is used, k obs can be newly expressed below. [N]
and [X] are the total concentrations in the system.
k obs = {k 2w . [X w ] + k 2m . m x . K s ([S] − cmc)} / {1 + K s ([S] − cmc)}
k w = k 2w . [X w ], k m = k 2m . m x
m x 2 ( K N X − 1) ([S] − cmc) + m x {[X] + K N X [N] − b ( K N X −1) ([S] − cmc)}− b [X] = 0
where k 2w and k 2m are the second-order reaction rates in the aqueous and micellar
phases, respectively. The apparent base-catalyzed reaction rate in cationic micelles
generally increases, as shown in Fig. 7 (solid line, region 1), and afterward
decreases (region 2), which can be described by the above equation. The k 2w and
k 2m values are mostly of similar order and, therefore, the observed rate enhancement
is not a real catalysis but originates from the concentration effect. It is considered
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