Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Task 1
Your fi rst fact she e t should describe the travel and tourism business environment, providing examples of
organisations (P1). You should provide a short description of each of the following - public sector, private
sector, geographical, imp o rtance to the international and UK economy. Your fact sheet should include an
example and brief descriptio n of each of the following types of organisations - public sector (government-
controlled, local government- c ontrolled, membership) and private sector (public limited company, private
limited company, partnership, limited liability partnership, sole proprietor and franchise). You must indicate
whether each of your examples is involved with inbound, outbound or domestic tourism.
This task is designed to provide eviden c e for P1.
Task 2
Your second fact sheet should describe the organis a tional and fi nancial characteristics of two different types
of travel and tourism organisations (P2). Your sele ct e d organisations should have different structures. For
example, you could choose the two case study orga n isations described in this unit - Longleat (a private
limited company) and Capital Region Tourism (a publ i c-private partnership). You may decide to choose
other organisations, but they must have different struct u res. The description in your fact sheet should
cover organisational characteristics (business structure, b us iness organisation, control, documentation for
business set-up, liability) and fi nancial characteristics (distribution of profi ts, sources of fi nance, supplying
products and services, fi nancial accountability, contribution t o the global and UK economy).
In your fact sheet you should also review the methods and o p portunities used by travel and tourism
organisations to gain competitive advantage and achieve business aims, providing examples (P3). You
must provide examples to cover all types of aims - fi nancial, image a nd products. You may use the same
organisations you chose for Task 2a or other organisations in the sec t or. Your chosen examples must be
suffi ciently detailed to demonstrate that you understand how the method or opportunity has achieved
the aim.
Your fact sheet should also compare the organisational and fi nancial characteri s tics of the two organisations
chosen for Tasks 2a and 2b, and the methods and opportunities they hav e u sed to gain competitive
advantage (M1). All the items covered in Tasks 2a and 2b should be included when carrying out your
In your fact sheet you should also evaluate the links between an organisation's c h aracteristics and its
success in gaining competitive advantage and achieving its aims (D1). You should provide examples that
cover all three types of aim - fi nancial, image and products - and can use the same orga n isations chosen
for Tasks 2a and 2b or other organisations in the sector.
T his task is designed to provide evidence for P2, P3, M1 and D1.
Task 3
Jenny is giving a presentation in a few weeks time to a group of unemployed people who are on a scheme
to encourage them to start their own businesses. Jenny wants each of them to consider starting a travel and
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