Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Know the travel and tourism component
industries and their organisation s
This unit is all about the different parts (or components) of the travel and tourism sector and how they work
together. Working by yourself, or in small groups under the dir e ction of your tutor, see how you get on with the
following tasks to help you make a start on this unit:
Make a list of all the travel and tourism organisat i ons that you can think of;
Try and group them into similar industries, e.g. transport, attractions, accommodation, etc.
Think of ways in which some of the org a nisations work together;
Have a go at coming up with you r own defi nition of 'travel and tourism';
Make a list of the reasons why people travel in this country and go abroad;
Write down who you think owns the travel and tourism organisations on your original list;
Make a list of the jo b s available in two of the organisations you have listed.
When you've fi nished, show your answers to your tutor and compare your answers with what other groups in your
class have written.
Tra v el and tourism is a very dynamic and complex sector,
made up of a wide range of component industries,
such as accommodation, transport, attractions, tourism
development, tour operators and travel agencies,
to name but a few. You will learn more about these
components later in this section, but we begin by
spending a little time investigating just what we mean
by 'travel and tourism' and learning more about the
different types of tourism.
one thing everybody can agree with is that travel and
tourism is big business! The sector generates billions
of pounds internationally and supports more than 230
million jobs across the world. Travel and tourism is also
a part of 'leisure', since we all go on holidays and day
visits during our leisure time (log on to the 'glossary
of common terms' section of to learn
more about defi nitions in travel,
tourism and leisure).
t and t
What is 'travel and tourism'?
The World Tourism Organisation (WTO), a specialist
agency of the United Nations and recognised as the
leading international body in international tourism,
states that tourism comprises:
It's not easy to fi nd a single defi nition of travel and
tourism that everybody agrees with! Some people
make a distinction between 'travel' and 'tourism'
in the defi nition, with 'travel' being the movement
of people from one place to another using different
types of transport, while 'tourism' covers the whole
process of people visiting destinations for a variety of
reasons, plus the industries that support this. However,
'...the activities of persons travelling to and staying in
places outside their usual environment for not more
than one consecutive year for leisure, business and
other purposes'.
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