Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This unit has introduced you to travel and touri s m, one of the most important and vibrant sectors in the
world, offering a wide range of career opportu n it i es to people of all ages. You have studied the main
component industries in travel and tourism, and h o w they relate, and have investigated the difference
between domestic, inbound and outbound tourism. You have learned about the roles of various travel and
tourism organisations, such as meeting key organisatio n al aims and providing products and services. You
have studied recent developments since the 1960s, an d how these have shaped present day travel and
tourism. Finally, you have investigated the key trends and factors that are currently affecting the travel and
tourism sector. Throughout the unit you have been given ex amples from many components of the travel
and tourism sector. The case studies on AITO, English Heritage and VisitBritain have given you fi rst-hand
examples of how organisations meet their aims and objectives.
If you have worked methodically, by the end of this unit you should:
Know the travel and tourism component industries and their organis a tions;
Understand the role of travel and tourism organisations and their interrelationships;
Know the developments that have shaped the present day travel and to u rism sector;
Understand how trends and factors are currently affecting the travel and tou r ism sector.
You are now in a position to complete the assignment for the unit, under the direction of your tutor. Before
you tackle the assignment you may like to have a go at the following questions to help build your knowledge
of the travel and tourism sector.
What are the 3 main types of tourism?
How has the growth in the use of the internet affecte d the travel and tourism sector?
List 3 key organisational aims of a travel and tourism comp a ny?
Give 3 examples of leisure tourism and 3 examples of busines s tourism.
How are call centres changing the way that holidays and other travel products are sold?
What is 'vertical integration'?
What is the difference between a travel agent and a tour operator?
Name 3 members of AITO.
What is an ATOL?
What is the role of the CAA?
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