Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This unit has given you the opportunity of pla n ning, taking part in and evaluating a travel and tourism
residential study visit in the UK or abroad. You h a v e considered the aims and objectives of the study visit,
which can be personal, career-related or specifi c to your course of study. You have worked as a member
of a group to decide which destination to choose fo r your study visit. Due attention has been paid to the
various considerations and constraints that can affect y our choice of destination, including your budget,
time of year to travel, climate and availability of staff. You h ave investigated the risk assessment process and
have participated in the study visit. You have also discussed the key factors that contribute to a successful
trip, including devising a code of conduct, recognising y o ur responsibilities and practising good time
management. Finally, you have refl ected on the whole experience by carrying out an evaluation of the study
visit, including personal, peer and tutor input.
If you have worked methodically, by the end of this unit you should:
Be able to produce a suitable proposal for a residential study visit;
Know the reasons for, and the process of, risk assessment;
Be able to contribute to a successful residential study visit.
You are now in a position to complete the assignment for the unit, under the d ir ection of your tutor. Before
you tackle the assignment you may like to have a go at the following questions t o h e lp build your knowledge
of residential study visits in travel and tourism.
Why is it important to set clear aims and objectives f o r a study visit?
What do you hope to gain personally from the study visit?
What skills do you hope to improve upon while on the vi s it?
What is the difference between an aim and an objective?
What course-related activities could you organise as part of the study visit?
List the different types of destination areas that offer opportunities for a study visit.
What help might you expect from a tourist board offi ce in a destinatio n in setting up the visit?
How can health, safety and security affect your choice of destination?
What sort of information on the FCO website is useful when planning an o v erseas study trip?
Why is it important to consider cultural issues when planning and taking part in a study visit abroad?
Which agencies could help with the organisation of a study visit in the UK?
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