Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This unit has introduced you to the concept of responsible tourism in developed and developing countries
by considering the positive and negative impacts of tourism development - economic, environmental
and socio-cultural. You have learned about the various agents of tourism development, which operate at
international, national, regional and local levels. You h a ve also explored the different objectives of tourism
development and found that it is often the economi c benefi ts of tourism that encourage individuals,
organisations and governments to become involved in tour i sm in the fi rst place. The unit has also examined
how tourism's positive aspects can be maximised and its neg a tive effects minimised, through careful planning
and management. Finally, you have developed your skills in pla n ning holidays that incorporate the principles
of responsible tourism. Throughout the unit you have been sh o wn many examples of good practice, while
the case studies on Tourism Concern and the Travel Foundatio n highlight key issues in responsible tourism
development worldwide.
If you have worked methodically, by the end of this unit you should:
Know positive and negative impacts of tourism on destinations;
Understand roles and objectives of agents of tourism development;
Understand strategies used to manage responsible tourism in destinatio n s;
Be able to plan holidays incorporating principles of responsible tourism.
You are now in a position to complete the assignment for the unit, under the direction of your tutor. Before
you tackle the assignment you may like to have a go at the following questions to help build your knowledge
on responsible tourism.
What is 'responsible tourism'?
What are the four key objectives of tourism developme n t?
What is the multiplier effect and why is it important in touri s m development?
Giving examples, explain how tourism development can he l p economic regeneration.
How and to what extent will staging the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London in 2012 help the
travel and tourism sector in the UK?
What is an agent of tourism development?
List four key private sector agents of tourism development and explai n their roles.
What are the main functions carried out by public sector agents of tourism development?
How does Tourism Concern help communities in tourist destinations achie v e 'fair trade tourism'?
What are the three main categories of tourism development impacts?
Name three negative economic impacts of tourism development.
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