Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
What is the main aim of the Data Prot e ction Act?
Name 3 types of business travel agents.
What is the main aim of the Package Travel Regulations?
What is the difference between the 'front offi ce' a nd 'back offi ce' in a business travel agency?
Describe the function of trade associations in busin es s travel.
How does ABTA help business travel agents in their work?
Name 3 activities undertaken by IATA.
What is a 'multi-sector' business itinerary?
What information can be found on a global distribution system s u c h (GDS) such as Amadeus?
Name 2 sources of information on rail travel.
Business Travel Operations
This assignment is made up of a number of tasks which, when successfully completed, are designed to give
you suffi cient evidence to meet the Pass (P), Merit (M) and Distinction (D) grading criteria for the unit. If you
have carried out the activities and read the case stu d ies throughout this unit, you will already have done a
lot of work towards completing the tasks for this assi g nment.
You are working for Excel Business Travel Ltd, a single-branch, independent agency situated in the south of
England. The company is a family business run by John and Gle n da Newman, with three other members of
staff - two full-time consultants and one part-time book-keeper. You h ave joined them on a trial basis after
fi nishing your course to see if business travel is a career that you would like to follow. The idea is that you
will get involved in as many different aspects of the company as possible to fi nd out what's involved with
working in the business travel industry. John and Glenda have three spec i fi c tasks that they would like you
to tackle.
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