Travel Reference
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Established in 1976, Worldchoice was one of the fi rst travel agents' consortia. Today, it has over 800 travel
agency members, making it one of the largest travel groups in the UK. The group considers its independence
to be its biggest asset and its combined strength give s the consortium the negotiating power to command
the best possible products and prices in retail travel. Uniquely among travel agency consortia, Worldchoice
member shareholders jointly own Worldchoice Travel. To date, the consortium has acquired 11 travel
agencies throughout the UK and has delivered its fi rst shar e d ividend to its investors.
Aims of the consortium
Advantage's mission is ' to be the most effective force in the independent travel agency sector and to provide
the highest levels of profi tability for our shareholders and members '.
Advantage trades on four key principles for customers:
Members of the consortium are independent agents who are not tied to any of the mu l tiple chains, thereby
having the fl exibility to offer customers a wide range of holidays and other travel pro d ucts. In addition to
the usual big holiday companies, Worldchoice agents sell more AITO (Association of Independent Tour
Operators) holidays than any other travel agency group. Its members represent over 65 pe r cent of CARTA
membership (Campaign for Real Travel Agents), organised by AITO to recognise those a gents selling a
wide range of specialist travel products. Research shows that an average Worldchoice agent has access to
between 400 and 800 different holiday brochures.
Services and benei ts for members
Worldchoice offers its members a range of services, including the best commercial rates of any travel
consortium in the UK (according to data from Price Waterhouse Coopers). The consortium negoti a tes
commercial terms with over 140 business partners every year on behalf of its members. The combin e d
strength of over 800 agencies with an annual turnover in excess of £1 billion helps ensure attractive discou n ts
to members. Worldchoice has its own automatic credit accounting system (ACAS), which can help members
reduce administrative costs and bank charges, as well as improving cash fl ow.
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