Travel Reference
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For each m o tivation you must select two suitable holidays in different countries to meet the request, giving
brief details of the holidays and destinations selected and how they meet the brief.
Choose one p r eferred holiday for each of the motivations covered in Task 2a and explain how it would
best meet the brief (M1). For example, if you recommended specifi c holidays in Puerto Pollensa and
Benidorm for Task 2a (i), you must select one and explain why it is your recommended choice to meet
the brief.
This task is designed to produce e vidence for P2 and M1.
Task 3
The company are thinking of expanding the number of European destinations in their holiday programme
and have asked you to research and make a pres e ntation in which you must:
Describe factors and features that determine the appeal of two leisure destinations in Europe for different
types of visitors (P3). You must select two different types of leisure destinations - from beach resorts,
winter sports resorts, countryside areas and cities - each in a different European country. The factors and
features that you describe must include accessibility, cl i mate, attractions, cultural and economic. When
describing the appeal of each destination, you must link this to specifi c visitor types, highlighting where
the destinations have wide appeal to many types of visitor and also specifi c appeal, e.g. lively nightlife
for young people, safe beaches for families, etc.
Explain how the different factors and features of the destinations you selected in Task 3a appeal to
specifi c types of UK visitors (M2). For both destinations you must co nsider at least two different types of
customer, for example a group of school children and a retired cou p le.
Give detailed and realistic recommendations for how one of the leisure destinations you selected for
Tasks 3a and 3b could increase its appeal for different types of UK visitors (D1). For example, if you
selected the ski resort of Meribel, you could recommend activities that co u ld take place in the winter for
non-skiing tourists. Your recommendations should be detailed and realistic. They should also link to the
visitor type(s) you are trying to attract and you may recommend initiatives that have been successful for
other similar types of destinations.
This task is designed to provide evidence for P3, M2 and D1.
Task 4
Your Line Manager wants you to carry out some research into declining and developing l e isure destinations
in Europe. He would like you to write a short report in which you must:
Review the factors that have contributed to one declining and one developing destin a tion in the
European travel market (P4). Your evidence should explain how and why they are developing o r declining,
using Butler's model as part of the process. You must also review current factors that are af f e c ting the
development or decline.
Analyse the reasons for the development and decline of the destinations you selected for Task 4a i n the
European travel market (M3).
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