Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
If you are asked to make a presentation as part of a job
interview, remember to speak clearly and slowly, follow
a logical sequence, maintain eye contact with your
audience and use prompt cards rather than reading
from notes. Using a package such as PowerPoint can
add a touch of professionalism to a presentation.
Be honest and never lie about your qualifi cations
and experience;
Maintain eye contact with the person asking the
Communicate effectively and project a positive
image throughout the interview.
Personal presentation and body
It's always a good idea to have a few questions of your
own to ask at the interview. This shows interest and
commitment, and is likely to impress the interviewer.
The way you dress and your appearance at an interview
are very important considerations. It's very unlikely that
somebody who turns up for a job interview in trainers
and a T-shirt with unkempt hair and a scruffy appearance
will be offered a job! The standard dress code for
interviews is a suit for men and a suit or smart trousers/
skirt plus a top for women. Body language is important
too - try to relax and smile when appropriate, avoiding
negative body language such as folding your arms and
slouching in the interview chair!
Time management
As with all aspects of the business world, time
management is an important aspect of attending
interviews. Arrive in good time and have a back up plan
if your fi rst transport option fails for whatever reason.
Activity 6.12
Projecting a positive image and
Working with a partner, conduct a mock interview
for the post of a Marketing Assistant in a small
company specialising in organising walking holidays
in Scotland. One of you should play the role of the
interviewer (the Managing Director of the company)
and the other the interviewee. After the interview,
swap roles. Keep a record of the questions asked
and interviewees' responses. Discuss how each
interviewee performed, compiling a list of positive
and negative points for future reference.
It's important to understand that in the job market
there are buyers and sellers. Thinking that you will be
good at a job is not enough - many other people will
be thinking just the same! Success depends on your
ability to sell yourself to prospective employers and the
interview is a crucial part of this process.
Responding to and answering
This activity is designed to provide evidence for P3, P5,
M2 and D1.
When answering questions during an interview, you
Pause before you reply to show that you are giving
the question proper consideration;
Reply to the question asked, not the one you wish
the interviewer had asked!
Recognise the difference between questions that
need short answers and those requiring extended
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