Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Preparing for Employment in
Travel and Tourism
The travel an d tourism sector offers a wide variety of career opportunities at home and abroad to people of
all ages and fr o m all backgrounds. It has a very glamorous image of staff jetting off to faraway places and
having fun while t hey work. Many people do get the chance to travel and work abroad, but not everybody
gets to enjoy the ' j et-set lifestyle' and working in travel and tourism can be very demanding and challenging.
But for people wit h t he right attitude, skills and knowledge, working in the sector can be a very rewarding
and fulfi lling career.
In this unit you will investigate the wide range of career opportunities in travel and tourism, considering
different entry requirements, opportunities for career progression, training and continuing education. You
will also learn about recruitm e nt and selection procedures to help your career development. By undertaking a
personal review of your own skills, experience and attitude, you will begin to prepare yourself for employment
in the sector. Finally, you will examine the factors that combine to make an effective workplace, such as the
working environment, teamwork , incentives and training.
When you have completed this unit you sh o uld:
Know about career opportunities in the t ravel and tourism sector;
Know the stages of recruitment and sele c tion in travel and tourism;
Be able to prepare for application for employment in the travel and tourism sector;
Understand the factors that contribute to an eff e ctive workplace.
You will be guided through the main topics in this unit with the help of the latest developments, statistics,
industry examples and case studies. You should also check out the weblinks throughout the unit for extra
information on particular organisations or topic areas and us e the activities throughout the unit to help you
learn more.
This unit is internally assessed, meaning that you will be given an assignment (or series of assignments) to
complete by your tutor(s) to show that you have fully understood the content of t h e unit. A grading scale of
pass, merit or distinction is used when staff mark your assignment(s), with higher grades awarded to students
who show greater depth in analysis, evaluation and justifi cation in their assignments. An assignment for this
unit, which covers all the grading criteria, can be found on page 236. Don't forget to v i si t www.tandtonline. for all the latest industry news, developments, statistics and links to websites in t h is unit to help you
with your assignments.
t and t
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