Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Analyse h ow one of the UK destinations you selected for Task 2b attracts inbound and domestic visitors
and meets their needs (M1). You may focus your analysis on at least four different types of visitors as
long as this includes both inbound and domestic with differing needs, e.g. a UK family on a budget
short break, young J apanese tourists with an interest in shopping, older British people on a day trip and
tourists from Austral ia interested in history and heritage.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the UK destination you selected for Task 2c in attracting and meeting the
needs of inbound and dom e s t ic visitors, making recommendations for addressing gaps or weaknesses in
provision (D1). Specifi c qualiti e s of the destination should be noted.
This task is designed to provide evid enc e for P2, P3, P5, M1 and D1.
Task 3
The Tourist Board staff want to fi nd out to what ex t ent you understand the factors that affect UK inbound
and domestic tourism. They want you to prepare a s h ort report, with a bibliography of sources consulted, in
which you must:
Explain how internal and external factors affect UK inbo u nd and domestic tourism (P4). Your report must
include hard evidence in the form of recent statistical d a ta to support your explanations of at least fi ve
different factors on inbound and/or domestic tourism (b o th inbound and domestic tourism must be
addressed within your evidence as a whole).
Analyse how three factors are currently affecting UK inbound and domestic tourism (M2). Both inbound
and domestic markets must be covered, but not necessarily both markets for each factor.
Evaluate the potential impacts of two factors on the future of UK inbound and domestic tourism (D2).
You must take a minimum of two of the three factors you chose for Task 3b and evaluate the potential
impact of these.
This task is designed to provide evidence for P4, P5, M2 and D2.
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