Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This unit has investigated the importance of the UK as a destination for inbound and domestic tourists.
You have consulted a wide range of reference mate r ials throughout the unit, using them to locate the main
tourist gateways, destinations and geographical features of the UK. The needs of both overseas visitors
and UK tourists have been investigated, highlighting t he particular needs of inbound tourists. You have
also explored the features and facilities that attract visit o rs, such as location and natural features. The unit
has also investigated how inbound and domestic tourism are affected by internal and external factors,
including economic recession and exchange rates. Through o ut the unit you have been shown many industry
examples, while the case studies on the features of Shrews b u r y as a destination and the cultural needs of
inbound tourists highlight key issues in domestic and inbound t o urism.
If you have worked methodically, by the end of this unit you shoul d :
Be able to locate UK gateways, tourist destinations and geogra p hical features;
Know the needs of inbound and domestic visitors to UK tourist destinations;
Know the features and facilities that attract visitors to UK destination s ;
Understand how UK inbound and domestic tourism are affected by intern a l and external factors;
Be able to use reference sources to provide information on the UK as a destination.
You are now in a position to complete the assignment for the unit, under the dire c tion of your tutor. Before
you tackle the assignment you may like to have a go at the following questions to h e lp build your knowledge
of the UK as a destination.
Defi ne 'inbound tourism' and 'domestic tourism', giving one example of each.
List the different types of transport used by incoming tourists to the UK, giving their relative popularity.
What are the four capital cities of the UK?
What benefi ts does 'quality assured' accommodation give to t o urists?
What is Farm Stay UK?
Name three specifi c sources of information on UK tourist destinati o ns.
What is a gateway to the UK?
What is a tourist generating country?
What is the average length of stay in Britain of overseas visitors?
Which is the top generating country for incoming tourism to the UK?
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