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Pre-processing Agent
The pre-processing agent uses a preprocessing technique in order to perform some prun-
ing of the search space before the actual search is performed in order to reduce the plan-
ning effort. Recently, we introduced a landmark technique which restricts the domain
and problem description of an HTN to a smaller subset, since some parts of the domain
description might be irrelevant for the given problem at hand [5,6]. Therefore, the pre-
processing agent relies on hierarchical landmarks - ground tasks that occur in the plan
sequences leading from an initial plan to its solution. They are defined as follows.
Definition 2 (Solution Sequences). Let V Π , E Π be the induced search space of plan-
ning problem Π . Then, SolSeq Π ( P ):= {P 1 ...P n |P 1 =
P, ( P i ,P i +1 ) ∈E Π for all
1 ≤ i<n , and P n ∈Sol Π ,n≥ 1 } .
Definition 3 (Landmark). A ground task t ( τ ) is called a landmark of planning prob-
lem Π , if and only if for each P 1 ...P n ∈SolSeq Π ( P init ) there is an 1 ≤ i ≤ n ,such
that t ( τ ) ∈ Ground ( S i ,V n ) for P i = S i , ≺ i ,V i ,CL i and P n = S n , ≺ n ,V n ,CL n .
While a landmark occurs in every plan sequence that is rooted in the initial plan and
leads towards a solution, a local landmark occurs merely in each such sequence rooted
in a plan containing a specific abstract ground task t ( τ )
Definition 4 (Local Landmark of an Abstract Task). For an abstract ground task
t ( τ ) let P Π ( t ( τ )) := {P ∈P Π |P = S,≺,V,CL and t ( τ ) ∈ Ground ( S, V ) } .
A ground task t ( τ ) is a local landmark of t ( τ ) , if and only if for all P ∈P Π ( t ( τ )) and
each P 1 ...P n ∈SolSeq Π ( P ) there is an 1 ≤ i ≤ n , such that t ( τ ) ∈ Ground ( S i ,V n )
for P i = S i , ≺ i ,V i ,CL i and P n = S n , ≺ n ,V n ,CL n .
Since there are only finitely many task schemata and we assume only finitely many con-
stants, there is only a finite number of (local) landmarks. Given a planning problem Π ,
the relevant landmark information can be extracted in a pre-processing step. The out-
comes of the extraction procedure that is introduced by Elkawkagy et al. [5] is stored in
a so-called landmark table . Its definition relies on a Task Decomposition Graph ( TDG ).
A TDG is a representation of all possible ways to decompose the initial plan P init of
Π using methods in M . More formally, a TDG of a planning problem Π is a bipartite
graph V T ,V M ,E ,where V T is a set of ground tasks (called task vertices ), V M is a set of
methods (called method vertices ), and E is the set of edges connecting task vertices with
method vertices according to M . Note, that a TDG is finite as there are only finitely many
ground tasks and a finite number of methods. The landmark table is a data structure that
represents the TDG plus some additional information about local landmarks.
Definition 5 (Landmark Table). Let V T ,V M ,E be a TDG of the planning problem
Π .The landmark table of Π is the set LT = {t ( τ ) ,M ( t ( τ )) ,O ( t ( τ )) |t ( τ ) ∈ V T } ,
where M ( t ( τ )) and O ( t ( τ )) are defined as follows:
M ( t ( τ )) = {t ( τ ) ∈ V T | t ( τ ) ∈ Ground ( S, V )
t ( τ ) , S,≺,V,CL ∈ V M }
O ( t ( τ )) = {Ground ( S, V ) \ M ( t ( τ )) |t ( τ ) , S,≺,V,CL ∈ V M }
for all
Each landmark table entry partitions the tasks introduced by decompositions into two
sets. Mandatory tasks M ( t ( τ )) are those ground tasks that are contained in all plans
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