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As future work mainly the remaining challenges for allowing transparent appli-
cation administration and performing dynamic reconfigurations will be tackled.
The first requires a conceptual abstraction for distributed applications and their
components, possibly inspired by earlier work [2], while the latter has to cope
with collecting and evaluating non-functional node data such as performance,
utilization and uptime in order to reorganize a running application.
1. Baude, F., Caromel, D., Dalmasso, C., Danelutto, M., Getov, V., Henrio, L., PĂ©rez,
C.: Gcm: a grid extension to fractal for autonomous distributed components. Annals
of Telecommunications 64(1-2), 5 (2009)
2. Braubach, L., Pokahr, A., Bade, D., Krempels, K.-H., Lamersdorf, W.: Deployment
of Distributed Multi-Agent Systems. In: Gleizes, M.-P., Omicini, A., Zambonelli, F.
(eds.) ESAW 2004, vol. 3451, pp. 261-276. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
3. Foster, I., Kesselman, C., Nick, J., Tuecke, S.: The physiology of the grid: An
open grid services architecture for distributed systems integration. Technical report,
Global Grid Forum (2002)
4. Jander, K., Braubach, L., Pokahr, A., Lamersdorf, W.: Validation of agile workflows
using simulation. In: Third international Workshop on LAnguages, methodologies
and Development tools for multi-agent systemS (LADS 2010). CEUR (2010)
5. Paremus Ltd. The paremus service fabric: A technical overview (2009)
6. Marino, J., Rowley, M.: Understanding SCA. Addison-Wesley, Reading (2009)
7. Pokahr, A., Braubach, L., Jander, K.: Unifying agent and component concepts. In:
Dix, J., Witteveen, C. (eds.) MATES 2010. LNCS, vol. 6251, pp. 100-112. Springer,
Heidelberg (2010)
8. Sosinsky, B.: Cloud Computing Bible. Wiley, Indiana (2011)
9. Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC). Workflow Reference Model (1995)
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