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In this work, we have found a compact form for a second-order linear
differential equation such that its solution can be derived after two con-
secutive integrations. This form follows directly by just renaming their
coefficients, and is independent of any requirement on such coefficients.
That is, the expression posses all generality.
Second-order linear differential equation
Variation of parameters method
1. Greenberg, M.; Application of Green's function in Science and Engineering. New
Jersey: Prentice-Hall; 1971 .
2. Spiegel, M.; Ecuaciones Diferenciales Aplicadas. Mexico: Prentice-Hall; 1983 .
3. Lanczos, C.; Linear Differential Operators. New York: Dover; 1997 .
4. López-Bonilla, J.; Yaljá Montiel, J.; and Zaldívar, A.; Factor integrante para una arbi-
traria ecuación diferencial lineal de 2do. orden. Bol. Soc. Cub. Mat. Comp. 2010, 8(1),
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