Civil Engineering Reference
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Some non-work trips in the peak periods are part of the daily commute work trip
chain involving stops along the way to or from work for other purposes: dropping
off or picking up in day care, shopping, going to eat a meal, etc. [ 9 ]. For example,
Fig. 5.6 shows that approximately 34 % of the stops made in the home-to-work
commute were to drop some one off (serve a passenger).
The characteristics of non-work travelers in the AM peak period are shown in
Fig. 5.7 (Reference [ 10 ], Exhibit 1). While most AM peak period travelers are
workers (full or part-time), a large portion of travelers dropping off passengers are
Fig. 5.6 Percent of stops by
purpose during the weekday
work trip chains. Source
Reference [ 9 ], Exhibit 3,
April, 2007
Fig. 5.7 Characteristics of
people making AM peak
vehicle trips by purpose.
Source Reference [ 10 ],
Exhibit 5
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