Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5.2 Travel time tax, by hour and day of week. Source Reference [ 6 ], p 11. Figure 8
ends at 7 p.m. Typically approximately 50 % of weekday person travel occurs in
these two peak periods.
It should be noted, however, that peaking patterns vary among the various travel
modes. The peak hour accounts for approximately 25 % of commuter rail travel,
13 % of highway travel.
Approximately 75 % of all transit trips are in the peak direction of travel while
17 % of rail rapid transit trips, 16 % of bus trips and 7
64 % of highway travel occurs in the peak direction.
5.4.1 Trip Purpose and Time of Travel
The hourly variations in person trips relate closely to the reasons for travel. On a
typical workday in the US, most people leave their home for work at about 7:00 a.m.,
and leave work at 5:00 p.m. Children start school early in the morning as well, and
return home before 4 p.m. Figure 5.3 shows the distribution of trip starting times for
various trip purposes: commuting, family
personal business/shopping, school, and
social-recreational travel.
5.4.2 Trip Purpose of Peak Period Travelers
Non-work travel is a large component of daily travel
even in the peak commuting
hours (Fig. 5.4 ).
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