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could further increase traf
c demand and congestion on radial highways and
downtown streets.
Effective parking management can reduce highway travel demand and traf
congestion especially in large urban areas. Park-and-ride facilities located at out-
lying express (rapid) transit stations can intercept motorists, reduce VMT, increase
transit ridership, and make it possible to place limits on downtown parking space.
This strategy enables rapid transit and commuter rail lines to extend further into
suburban and exurban areas.
Large suburban developments should be redesigned to encourage more transit
and pedestrian access, and limit the number of parking spaces. Better management
of parking and price is essential.
Congestion relief from parking management actions in both city and in suburban
centers needs to be supportive of the commercial viability of these areas. Con-
gestion relief strategies therefore will vary with city size, downtown employment,
and parking location. Examples of parking guidelines follow.
Effective management of on-street parking is essential in all cities. Some times
and at some locations, parking should be prohibited to make curb lanes available
to move traf
c. In other situations, time limits and parking policies should be
established to discourage all-day parkers
A shortage of available curb parking spaces during busy periods especially in
large central business districts has been reported to add VMT and congestion
resulting from motorists who drive around searching for an available space [ 18 ].
By varying the cost of parking to levels that ensure that at least 10 % of the curb
spaces are always available, this additional VMT can be practically eliminated
and traf
c congestion can be reduced [ 19
21 ].
Downtown parking supply in large cities should be stabilized by setting a limit
on the maximum number of spaces. This should entail revising zoning
requirements, and should increase support for improving transit access
Park-and-Ride facilities should be provided along outlying express bus rail lines
and along major highways serving the city center
Large suburban developments should be progressively redesigned to encourage
more transit and pedestrian access and to limit the number of parking spaces.
Management of parking supply and price is essential to stabilize or reduce
congestion. Actions usually require restructuring of site plans and densities, and
providing better transit and pedestrian access.
1. Turnbull KF, Pratt RH, Evans JE, Levinson HS (2004) TRCP Report 95, traveler response to
transportation system changes, Chapter 3: park and ride/pool. Transportation Research Board,
Washington, DC
2. Vaca E, Kuzmyak JR (2005) TRCP Report 95, traveler response to transportation system
changes, Chapter 13: parking pricing and fees. Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC
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