Civil Engineering Reference
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D 0 = Existing Demand
S 0 = Initial Capacity
D 1 = Expanded Capacity
P 0,0 = Initial User Cost; V 0,0 = Traffic Volume for Initial Capacity and Demand
P 1,0 = User Cost with Expanded Capacity; V 1,0 = Traffic Volume with Expanded Capacity
Fig. 17.15 Effect of capacity expansion on generalized trip cost and traf c volume Future Years Demand
Diverted and induced travel is also a factor in assessing the congestion impacts for
future travel years. Some observations are given for two cases (a) if road capacity is
increased, and (b) if roadway capacity is not increased.
If the Road
s Capacity Increases
Depending on the amount of added capacity, the route will make the area more
attractive to land development 1 that, in time, will increase the travel demand of the
1 It should be noted, however, that while improving transportation accessibility in a particular area
may make land more attractive for development, other factors play an important role. These
include: land acquisition and development costs; availability of water, sewer, and electric power;
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