Civil Engineering Reference
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16.10.2 Access Control Methods
Access control is mainly implemented through the police power of eminent domain. It
also can be achieved through the geometric design of roadways and access connec-
tions to land uses. The development of an access classi
cation system (e.g., Fig. 16.6 )
can prove useful in determining when, where, and how access can be provided.
16.10.3 Access Design Concepts
Access planning and design should coordinate the three aspects of the access
the public roadway, private driveway, and private development require-
ments/needs. All three should be treated as an integral part of the overall access
system. In this way access can be provided and congestion minimized.
Road connections to land developments should have adequate turning radius and
storage space. The conditions, shown in Fig. 16.7 (top) should be avoided. But,
unfortunately, the problem of inadequate throat length is found along many roads.
Fig. 16.7 Driveway
improvements to increase
storage. Source Reference [ 5 ],
p 86. Figure 8.31
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