Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
15.3.1 Supply Strategies
Supply strategies include:
Pre-event coordination and planning
Applying traf
c engineering actions such as (1) parking bans on major streets
serving the event, police control of traf
c signals, and reversible travel lanes on
streets leading to and from the event
Developing traffic control plans in response to surges in traffic volume at the
start and end of events
Coordinating operations during the event
Providing traveler information
15.3.2 Demand Reduction Strategies
Demand reduction strategies include:
Metering upstream
flow to maintain a better balance with downstream roadway
capacity (e.g., real-time traf
c signal timing; controlling the exit rate from
parking lots/garages.
Possibly closing various entry ramps downstream of the ramps where the event
c enters the roadway
15.4 Inclement Weather
Adverse weather conditions have a major impact on traf
c congestion, safety and
operations. Weather affects driver behavior, vehicle performance pavement friction,
and roadway infrastructure. Although weather events and their impacts are non-
recurring, they are generally predictable. Inclement weather usually has an area
wide impact but its severity is sometime concentrated in speci
c parts of the urban
area where it accounts for up to 10 % of total traf
c delay [ 5 ].
15.4.1 Supply Strategies
Supply strategies include:
Better prediction and detection of rain, snow, ice, and fog on speci
c roads to
assist transportation managers in roadway treatment strategies
More effective treatment of roadway surface to improve traction and prevent ice
bonding (sand, salt, anti-icing chemicals)
Posting fog warnings on Dynamic Message Signs (DMS)
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