Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 15.1 Factors impacting on congestion delay from a roadway incident
(t 3 -
t 2 ) = time elapsed after the incident is reported and when the incident team
(t 4 -
t 3 ) = time needed to restore capacity (all lanes reopened);
(t 5 -
t 0 ) = duration of delay if traf
c demand continues unabated;
(t 6 -
t 0 ) = duration of delay if traf
c demand is reduced;
(t 7 -
t 4 ) = delay time to last vehicle in longest platoon (Q max ) before it resumes
normal speed;
(t 4 -
t 8 ) = maximum delay time before capacity is restored;
t 0 ) = time interval when roadway operates at reduced capacity.
The impact of an incident on delay depends upon:
(t 4 -
The severity of the incident (number of lanes blocked) and the volume of traf
on the roadway at the time of the incident;
The time the incident is detected;
The time it is reported to the responding agency;
The agency response time;
The time elapsed before the roadway capacity is completely restored;
The volume of upstream traf
c approaching the incident location.
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