Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
These are the sorts of things you should bear in mind: in most Asian and African countries
don't wear a bikini top and shorts in city streets if you don't want to attract the wrong kind
of intrusive male attention. In any case an all-over light cotton covering will better protect
you from sunburn and insect bites.
Men and women should dress modestly, particularly, but not only, in Muslim countries.
Women especially should wear long sleeves and cover their legs. Uncovered flesh, espe-
cially female, is seen as a 'temptation' and you'll be more comfortable, not to mention find-
ing people more friendly and welcoming if they can see you're sensitive to local customs.
You should also remember that, in Buddhist countries, the head is sacred and so it is un-
conventional to touch it.
Before entering temples and mosques throughout India and south Asia, you must remove
your shoes. There are usually places at the entrances, where you can leave them with at-
tendants to look after them. Women are also expected to cover their hair - and in Jain
temples wearing or carrying anything made of leather is forbidden. Even in parts of Europe
you'd be expected to cover your head and be dressed respectfully if you go into a church.
Open gestures of affection, kissing or even holding hands between married couples can be
shocking to some cultures. This is particularly true of India, though it seems to be relaxing
a little in the cities. However, you will often see men or boys strolling around hand in hand
or with arms around each other's shoulders in India - don't misinterpret: they are friends,
not gay couples!
Remember also, that if you are speaking English with a local inhabitant, they may not un-
derstand or use a word with the same meaning as you do. Particularly in the area of emo-
tional relationships and dating, remembering this and understanding the local religion, cus-
toms and morality can save a lot of misunderstanding, misery and heartache.
Sitting cross-legged, with the soles of your feet pointing towards your companions, is an-
other example of a gesture regarded as bad manners or even insulting in some places and
actually if you think about it, it's pretty logical if you're in a place where people walk
around less than clean streets either barefoot or in sandals.
Since daily life and faiths are oftn closely interlinked, it helps to know a little about the
major philosophies of life in the countries you visit. These are the main belief systems you
will encounter on your travels (we use the term belief systems because, arguably, some of
these are closer to being philosophies of life than to religions or faiths in the sense most
people would understand them):
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