Travel Reference
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Vaison is a delightful town which is made all the more fascinating by its fine
array of Roman relics, including a graceful single-arched bridge that mira-
culously survived the devastating floods of the Ouvèze River in 1992. The
Romans named the town Vasio Vocontiorum and it flourished under their
rule for four centuries, but with the collapse of the empire, Vaison was
gradually buried by sand deposited by the flood-prone river. It was rebuilt in
the Middle Ages, but it wasn't until 1907 that archaeologists began to redis-
cover the Roman city.
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Office du Tourisme • pl du Chanoine Sautel • 04 90 36 02 11 •
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Roman ruins, Puymin and Musée Theo Desplans • pl du Chanoine,
Sautel • Open daily. Mar, Oct: 10am-noon, 2-5:30pm; Apr, May:
9:30am-6pm; Jun-Sep: 9:30am-6:30pm; Nov, Dec, Feb 10am-noon,
2-5pm • Adm €8
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This district was the most important part of town in Roman times, containing the
praetorium (court house), theatre, temples and shops. A broad road runs from the
theatre to the main gate.
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The House of the Messii must once have been the home of one of the town's most
important families. Re-erected columns and foundations of an atrium, baths, temple
to household gods, dining room and living rooms can still be seen.
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