Game Development Reference
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Similar to LineSpacing , but this alters the dis-
tance between adjacent characters.
The pixel format of the output texture. The options
are Auto , Rgba32 , Bgra4444 , and Com-
pressedMono .
Defaults to Auto , which usually gives Com-
pressedMono to reduce file size.
Uses interpolative alpha instead of pre-multiplied
alpha. Defaults to off/false .
DebugOutputSpriteSheet Provides an image version of your sprite sheet so
you can check the output.
For the example game, we'll generate a simple sprite font for the Segoe UI font that
ships with Windows 8. Remember that when you add fonts to your game, you need
to ensure you're licensed to distribute them with software.
Start a command prompt at the location of MakeSpriteFont.exe and run the fol-
lowing command:
MakeSpriteFont.exe "Segoe UI" "GameFont.font"
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