Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The BGRA pixel layout
Often, the R8G8B8A8 pixel layout is also used, however, both are well-supported and
you can choose either.
The next flag, Stereo , tells the API if you want to take advantage of the Stereoscop-
ic Rendering support in Direct3D 11.1. This is an advanced topic that we won't cover,
so leave this as false for now.
The SampleDesc substructure describes our multisampling setting. Multisampling
refers to a technique, commonly known as MSAA or Multisample antialiasing . An-
tialiasing refers to a technique that is used to reduce the sharp, jagged edges on
polygons that arise from trying to map a line to the pixels when the line crosses
through the middle of the pixel. MSAA resolves this by sampling within the pixel and
filtering those values to get a nice average that represents detail smaller than a pixel.
With antialiasing you will see nice smooth lines, at the cost of extra rendering and
filtering. For our purposes, we will specify a single count, and zero quality, which tells
the API to disable MSAA.
The BufferUsage enumeration tells the API how we plan to use the swap chain,
which lets it make performance optimizations. This is most commonly used when
creating normal textures, and should be left alone for now.
The Scaling parameter defines how the back buffer will be scaled if the texture
resolution does not match the resolution that the operating system is providing
to the monitor. You only have two options here: DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH and
The SwapEffect describes what happens when a swap between the front buffer
and the back buffer(s) occurs. We're building a Windows Store application, so we
only have one option here: DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT_FLIP_SEQUENTIAL . If we were
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