Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Fighting for score
We've got a lot in place; now we just need to put these parts together in another way
to add in some more gameplay, in the form of bullets that will be fired at the enemy.
Let's begin by creating a Bullet class; this will allow us to control the movement of
the bullet and easily manage lifetime and damage.
class Bullet
RectangleCollider *_collider;
std::shared_ptr<Sprite> _sprite;
bool _isAlive;
int Damage;
void Load();
RectangleCollider* GetCollider() { return
_collider; }
void SetPosition(XMFLOAT2 topleft);
void MoveForward(float deltaTime);
void Destroy();
void Respawn();
bool GetIsAlive();
There's quite a bit in here, but most of it you have seen before. We need a Sprite
and a collider for the bullet so that we can display it and easily check for collisions
with the enemy. We use SetPosition to set the initial position when we spawn the
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