Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
A medieval walled garden is the model for the cathedral's beautiful Bishop's Garden
on the south side of the church. The herb gardens are a delight to the nose as well
as the eye: all the stones here originated in a quarry that George Washington once
Building the Cathedral
In 1893 Congress granted a charter to construct Washington National Cathed-
ral. Theodore Roosevelt attended the laying of the foundation stone at the com-
manding Mount St. Albans location in 1907. The stone itself was brought from
a field near Bethlehem. The completion of the west towers in 1990 marked the
end of 83 years of continuous work. Many architects, including Henry Vaughan,
Philip Frohman, and George Bodley, came together to create this inspiring
monument. Its construction was funded entirely by donations.
Tip: Live music is a vital part of the life of the Cathedral. Throughout the
year, the Cathedral offers concerts, organ and carillon recitals, and live demon-
strations. Music is integral to most worship services.
Tip: Binoculars or a telephoto lens are a must for appreciating the gargoyles.
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